Privacy News

Facebook ‘Likes’ Reveal More About You Than You Think

Want Lots of Your “Unknown” Facebook Info Revealed? This Article is an Eye Opener… If you “Like” lots of people, places and things on Facebook, you may get rewarded with discounts and special offers. But new research out today shows that these public Likes reveal more about you than you may think. Using a dataset of …

Facebook ‘Likes’ Reveal More About You Than You Think Read More »

Google’s New Rules: You’re in the Ad Game Now

Whether We Like it or Not, Google’s New Rules: We’re in the Ad Game Now!   Check Out This Article… Google has altered its Terms of Service to allow it to plaster users’ names, photos and lots of other info all over relevant ads, a move that has privacy advocates up in arms. True, there …

Google’s New Rules: You’re in the Ad Game Now Read More »

Facebook Gives Teens a Longer Leash

This Is Very Interesting.   A Better Market to Youngsters?… By giving teens the option of posting in the public eye, Facebook’s new rules have sparked yet another round of privacy concerns. On the other hand, “I’m not sure how many are going to want to turn on for all to see,” suggested Justin Brookman, …

Facebook Gives Teens a Longer Leash Read More »

Hackers Purloin 2.9 Million Adobe Customers’ Data

The Internet is Still a Scary Place – But Your Own Computer Can be Even More Dangerous.   Read about this Adobe privacy issue…    Adobe should not have relied on encryption alone, suggested consultant Joseph Santangelo. “Encryption is good for situations like laptop and storage devices, but if you’re a victim of an attack …

Hackers Purloin 2.9 Million Adobe Customers’ Data Read More »

TOR Attacked by NSA/FBI: Feds Curb Freedom Over Child Porn

Not One of My Normal Curated Articles. But Important News, Nevertheless… Onion Router exploited in child-exploitation case. The Onion Router (TOR) hidden services hosted by Freedom Hosting have been compromised, allegedly by the FBI. The feds injected malicious JavaScript, in the search for child pornographers. But now, people legitimately needing the freedoms that TOR brings …

TOR Attacked by NSA/FBI: Feds Curb Freedom Over Child Porn Read More »

Inside the Phone-Plan Pricing Puzzle: An Analysis of Some 700 Wireless Options

Talk About Confusion! What Should be an Easy Choice is, at Best, a Boondoggle. This Article is an Eye-Opener… An Analysis of Some 700 Wireless Options Underscore the Complexity and Confusion in the Market. To understand how confusing wireless plans have become, just walk into an AT&T Inc. (T) store. The second largest U.S. carrier …

Inside the Phone-Plan Pricing Puzzle: An Analysis of Some 700 Wireless Options Read More »

American Family Raided After Searching Backpacks And Pressure Cookers On Google

This is Some Really Scary Stuff When it Comes to Our Privacy Rights!!! ‘Big Brother’ is Monitoring Everyone’s Online Searches. And, if they ‘think’ you are a threat, can bust into your home fully armed. Read on to know more… This isn’t the raid mentioned in the story, but anecdotal evidence suggests raids by unidentified authorities …

American Family Raided After Searching Backpacks And Pressure Cookers On Google Read More »

ACLU Raises Privacy Concerns About Police Technology Tracking Drivers

Here Come ‘Big Brother’s Privacy Intrusions Again! See what the ACLU has to say about it… Police around the United States are recording the license plates of passing drivers and storing the information for years with little privacy protection, the American Civil Liberties Union said Wednesday. The information potentially allows authorities to track the movements …

ACLU Raises Privacy Concerns About Police Technology Tracking Drivers Read More »

Apple’s iOS Ease and Elegance VS. Android’s Flexibility and Openness

Here’s an Interesting iOS & Android Comparison. Quite an Entertaining Read… If there are smartphone gods — and there must be because I pray to them every night for a bigger-screen iPhone — then my HTC One Android phone would work with Apple’s iOS operating system. But alas, that’s never going to happen unless Steve Jobs …

Apple’s iOS Ease and Elegance VS. Android’s Flexibility and Openness Read More »

Report: U.S. Government is Scooping Up Verizon Phone Records

This is Getting Really Scary. Our Privacy Rights are Quickly Eroding!!! “Big Brother” may be out of control…               The National Security Agency currently is collecting the telephone records of millions of U.S. customers of Verizon under a top secret court order, Britain’s Guardian newspaper said Wednesday. The order …

Report: U.S. Government is Scooping Up Verizon Phone Records Read More »