Viral Marketing

What is Viral Marketing and How Can It Help Online Business?

Author: MOS SEO

The world had woken up to the power of viral marketing which involves the use of effective internet marketing strategies to tell people about your product or services. This can help your online business by increasing the number of visitors to your website – many of them could be potential customers. Of course, the success of your campaign depends on using the right techniques. Many online businesses are therefore relying on viral marketing services offered by a professional search engine optimization (SEO) company to succeed.

How Viral Marketing Works

Viral online marketing works by creating a ‘buzz’ about your product or service. The buzz is the virus that spreads fast and gets people interested in what you are offering. An internet marketing company uses several strategies to help your business gain online visibility:

  • Social media submission: Social networking has made word-of-mouth advertising all the more effective as it allows people to share information seamlessly. Most people are likely to take action when someone they know posts information or a comment about a product/service, company or brand. So posting your links on these sites is one of the best ways to reach your customers.
  • Co-branding – Offering your product or service under the banner of another business creates a new product and benefits both you and the other company.
  • Link exchange – Adding and exchanging your links with other websites to increase the popularity of your link and make it visible on search engines.
  • Offline promotion – Advertising your website in the media and through other promotional material.
  • Social network marketing with social bookmarking – Bookmarking the pages of your website in leading social bookmarking sites and “tagging” them with the right keywords makes your site visible across the web.
  • Blog services – writing interesting blogs on your products and services.

An SEO company also employs marketing strategies such as RSS feeds, widgets, mobile marketing, podcast and videos, affiliate programs and e-mail campaigns to attract the traffic that you are targeting.

Many Gains from an Effective Internet Viral Marketing Campaign

With the right viral marketing campaign, your business can reach new heights:It gets the necessary exposure to a vast audience. For instance, your videos and links are shared across social networks. The process is never-ending.

  • No matter where you are located, your business gains global visibility. Your product or service is seen instantly by potential customers in countries across the world. Expansion of your market boundaries can definitely increase your revenue.
  • With a conventional marketing campaign, you would have had to spend a lot of money for the right exposure. A viral marketing company employs simple and affordable SEO marketing strategies so that you get maximum advantage at minimal cost.

Partnering with a professional SEO company ensures viral marketing services that can help your online business by raising brand recognition and revenue.


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