The Three Keys To Making Mega An Acceptable Cloud Storage Service

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AUCKLAND, NEW ZEALAND - JANUARY 20:  Kim Dotco...Kim Dotcom launches his new file-sharing site, Mega
(Image credit: Getty Images via @daylife)

With the embers are still hot in the fires of launch, Kim Dotcom told the world’s media that his new cloud storage service, Mega, had picked up over one million users on Day One. Which is nice, but compared to the 180 million members that Megaupload once had, there’s still a long way to go. The challenge for Mega will be to see how many members they have in a month, in a quarter, and in a year.


The landscape for cloud storage is a crowded one. Dropbox has made huge inroads into users, with the promise of more storage being offered to users if they get others to sign up to the service. Dropbox sits on both iOS and Android as well as Windows and OSX desktops, and in the web browser

Microsoft has Skydrive, which gives every user 7GB of storage on the desktop or the mobile, with syncing tools between the devices. Apple has iCloud which also promotes syncing between devices. And you could argue that Google Drive offers the same functionality and storage space, albeit tied tightly to their document editing software.

Mega has a generous level of storage (50GB for free users) and is promising a network of servers around the world to preserve data both from data loss and from the likely legal action. because hovering over Mega is the continued discussion over the court actions around Megaupload.

As well as bringing people into Mega, they need to trust the service will not be taken down as Megaupload was. They need to see that Mega can deliver the same service and functionality as their current online storage services. And Mega needs to be seen as a respectable service in the eyes of the consumer to gain the market share and volume it expects and needs so it can grow.

Because it’s unlikely that Kim Dotcom is hoping that the encrypted storage solution that Mega will be offering will thrive on people uploading media that may or may not be copyrighted because Mega will have no legal idea what the files contain. Isn’t it?

by Ewan Spence, Contributor to