What this means is Fewer PCs and printers, more high-priced contracts.
HP’s been around for a long time – Let’s hope this American company can stay afloat…
During a meeting with financial analysts on Wednesday, HP CEO Meg Whitman said her plan to turn around the ailing company was on track, but the restructuring won’t be complete until 2016 and investors should expect HP’s earnings to shrink even further before the work is done.
In August, HP reported a loss of $8.9 billion, with revenues down across nearly every division. During Wednesday’s meeting, Whitman warned that this was likely to be a trend, and that investors should expect HP to earn between $3.40 and $3.60 per share for fiscal 2013, a decline in revenues of more than 10 per cent.
But Whitman says she has a plan to stop the bleeding – eventually – if HP’s investors and its board will just stick with her
Read More: ‘I Will Turn This Company Around’
By Neil McAllister in San Francisco/Taken from theRegister.uk