Partner With Groupon and Earn Commission!


Partner With Groupon and Earn Commission!

Howdy! I’m Carolyn Kmet and I run the affiliate marketing program here at Groupon.

Affiliate marketing is pretty much just a fancy term for grassroots partnerships. We partner with people who enjoy sharing Groupon deals with their friends via blogs, websites, Facebook statuses, Twitter updates, you name it. Then, anytime a customer comes into us through one of those channels and purchases a Groupon, we pay a whopping 15% commissionto whoever it was that referred that customer – on every purchase

So for example, let’s say you saw a Groupon for $40 for a one-hour massage at that incredible spa that just opened up. It’s such a great deal that you email your girlfriend, your mom, your grandmom, your grandmom’s bestie, etc., and tell them about it. If any of them wind up taking advantage of the Groupon, you get commission.

But wait, there’s more! Sometimes grandma takes a couple days to make a decision. The way our affiliate program is set up, so long as grandma completes her Groupon purchase within 30 days of your initial referral, you’ll get commission.

Plus, as an affiliate, you get access to our reporting system, where you can see how many clicks and sales you’ve driven, and how much commission you’ve earned. Becoming a Groupon affiliate is totally free, and we’ve got a whole team of folks ready to show you how it works.

So if you’re interested, Join our affiliate program now!

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