Free Windows 8 Update To Address Confusion

This Is Very Interesting Windows 8 News!

Microsft has listened to the crying of the masses…

 Windows 8: A free update will be available later this year.A planned Windows 8 update to address complaints and confusion with Microsoft’s new operating system will be made available for free this year, the company says.

Not charging extra for Windows 8.1, previously code named “Windows Blue”, is consistent with the company’s practice of offering “decimal point” updates to operating systems for free. But when Microsoft announced the update last week, it didn’t say that it would be free.

Windows 8: A free update will be available later this year. Photo: Reuters

Tami Reller, the marketing and financial chief for Microsoft’s Windows business, said the company wants to assure customers that they can buy Windows 8 now and still get the benefits of Windows 8.1 later.

Advertisement “Windows 8.1 will be delivered as a free update to Windows 8 and to Windows RT and it will be easy to get right from the Windows start screen through the app store,” said Reller.

Microsoft overhauled its operating system with the release of Windows 8 in October. The changes are meant to address the growing popularity of smartphones and tablet devices, which are siphoning sales from desktops and laptops – traditional strongholds for Microsoft. The company designed Windows 8 to work with touchscreen controls popular on mobile devices, while also allowing people to use mouse and keyboard commands.

But Windows 8 has confused a lot of users. Gone is the familiar start button that gave people quick access to programs and settings. To change settings, people must pull out a drawer of icons from the side, using a different manoeuvre depending on whether the control is through touch or a mouse. Windows 8 offers a new start screen filled with tiles that link to frequently used programs, but some programs work only in a desktop mode that resemble older versions of Windows – but without the start button. Windows 8 doesn’t let people automatically start in that desktop mode.

Leading research firm IDC said Windows 8 contributed to a 14 per cent decline in worldwide PC sales during the first three months of the year – the biggest year-over-year drop ever.

Reller offered few details about Windows 8.1, but she reiterated that it will be better suited for smaller, less expensive tablets with 7- and 8-inch display screens. That could allow Windows 8 devices to compete with Apple’s iPad mini and similar-sized tablets from, Samsung and Google.

Reller said the company also hopes some devices will have Windows 8.1 already installed by the time the update is ready. The company didn’t offer a specific date, but the update is expected in time for the holiday season. Microsoft plans to make a preview version available next month for anyone to download.

Microsoft said it has sold more than 100 million Windows 8 licences so far. Most of those are to PC makers such as Hewlett-Packard and Dell to ship with new machines sold to individuals and businesses. Microsoft also sold upgrades from previous versions

Story by Anick Jesdanun, The Sydney Morning Herald