The Basics of CPA Marketing


The Basics of CPA Marketing


Okay, What Exactly is CPA Marketing Anyway? Precisely What Does It Stand For?


For the inexperienced, CPA means Cost-Per-Action and Cost-Per-Action Marketing which signifies you’ll be paid for every visitor that performs an action on your site, (usually completing up forms) and thus turning into a lead for the business. If you haven’t  by now seen how CPA Marketing works, then you might have come across certain websites or ads on the internet that talk about this: and the list goes on…

And all of them mostly involves feeling up forms or putting in your personal details. Most of it does not involve paying a single cent or just paying for shipment. If all this rings a bell then you have seen how CPA Marketing works.

You’ve most likely heard of CPC or Cost-Per-Click marketing which involves Google Adwords, Facebook ads, MSN adcentre and etc. One of the main problems with CPC Marketing is that internet marketers pays for each click generated regardless if the “click” translates into a lead or into sales. And this means wasted dollars which most internet marketers will rather not pay.

CPA Marketing involves putting down your personal details and every completed form is a lead and most companies pay just for leads. This can range between 10 -20 dollars or even more for just a single lead! CPA Marketing guarantees that every action is a lead because obviously you need to fill up a form which requires action. Action taken for this sort of marketing benefits not only the visitor but also you! You can make profits with almost any Cost Per Action Marketing campaign that generates leads.

So If CPA Marketing Sounds So Good, Why Is It That Most Marketers Not Do It?

I’m not sure of the real reason… but unlike any other forms of internet marketing campaign, Cost Per Action marketing involves signing up to a CPA Network. You will also need to have a website or a blog that has something to do with internet marketing or businesses. If you don’t have it, then you might as well start having one now before you sign up otherwise they will most likely REJECT your application.

After signing up, they will scrutinize your details and will then decide if you are fit to be a CPA Marketer. So there is a level of expertise that is required before you can actually start your CPA Affiliate Marketing Campaign. This weeds out the experienced from the beginners, the “looking ones” from the really committed ones.

You might ask,

There are a few reputable CPA Networks where you can sign up. Some of them are in the list below:

These are some of the well known CPA Networks around.

Ok when I mean reputable, those up there works for some of the biggest companies in the world and some of those companies who own those websites are the fastest growing companies in the world too!

If you were to do a Google search, you might find more but I do suggest doing more research before picking a CPA Network. As with everything about internet marketing, not everything is good out there 😉

So if you have already been successful with your application. You will be contacted by your CPA Affiliate Manager and then you can pick any Cost Per Action offer. From here, most internet marketing tactics you’ve used to help in you internet business would work here. I’m talking anything from landing pages, squeeze pages, CALL to Action! (this is probably the most important thing you should have) Article Marketing, Video Marketing, Keyword Research, CPA Campaign ads etc.

Once you get the hang of it, don’t forget that one profitable CPA Campaign is enough. Try experimenting on several CPA offers and work on it. It is better to have a few good ones then just one good Cost Per Action Campaign to help you earn money from home. Usually the best work would be to do a A/B split for every CPA Offers that you run in CPC  Networks.

So if you are game for Cost Per Action Marketing and you want to start earning money from CPA Marketing campaigns then take action now.

Submit your application and good luck with your CPA Marketing Business.

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