The Commission Junction Affiliate Program


Commission Junction Review

The advantages of affiliate networks

I won’t go into the advantages of networks from a merchant’s perspective. But if you’re an affiliate, there are many good reasons why you should join an affiliate network.

First of all, you’ll be able to access dozens, even hundreds, of programs in the same time it would take you to connect to just a few programs individually.

In addition, receiving payments through a network simplifies your accounting. With all of your payments coming from one source, it makes for fewer deposits to take to the back.

About Commission Junction

Commission Junction, also commonly known as “CJ”, is the largest affiliate network in North America. According to Wikipedia, among the top 500 retailers using 3rd party affiliate marketing software, 62% are powered by Commission Junction.

Many major retailers and merchants belong to Commission Junction, including Overstock.com, Go Daddy, The Wall Street Journal, Petco and Zappos.

Regardless of your niche, it’s very likely you’ll be able to use Commission Junction to find a merchant with relevant products you can advertise on your site.

How it works

In addition to applying for a Commission Junction account (you’ll need a W-9 form if you’re in the United States), you also need to apply to each individual merchant’s program. This is easier for some than others. Some merchants automatically approve everyone who applies. Others will review your application, approving it in a matter of days, or weeks.

And sometimes, a merchant will automatically deny your application. If that happens, you can do one of two things. You can give up and go to another merchant. Or you can find the merchant’s affiliate manager and email them, requesting to be added to the program.

Once your application has been approved, you can use the links provided to promote products.

Benefits and drawbacks

The main benefit of Commission Junction is that it has a wide variety of products and services to promote. It also offers high-quality products, much better than many of the ebooks you’ll find on networks such as ClickBank.

CJ makes it easy to add HTML and banner links. In addition, the statistics they provide about traffic and sales are effective at helping you understand your how effective your traffic is.

However, Commission Junction is not without its drawbacks. There are a lot of products and merchants on the site. Navigating through the CJ interface to find something that’s just right for your niche can be a challenge. In fact, many affiliates prefer the ease-of-use, but lower commissions, of the Amazon Affiliates program.
In addition, getting added to a merchant’s program can be a slow process. If you’re trying to get your site completed quickly, it can be frustrating.

In short, Commission Junction is a great, possibly essential, network to join. You’ll have immediate access to many of the best affiliate marketing programs available. However, when you do sign up, be ready to learn and be ready to spend some time researching merchants and offers.

Additional Resources

Affpinions.com – Affiliate reviews of the Commission Junction network.
Wikipedia – The definition of an affiliate network.

Action Items

•    Sign up for Commission Junction account
•    Login to your account
•    Search for products in your niche
•    Find a merchant with great products and apply to their program

Article Source = http://www.affiliateprograms.com/blog/commission-junction-review/


CJ Review — I was in doubt with Commission Junction at first

by Kimi on March 26, 2011

Three days ago, I have received my second payment letter notification from Commission Junction.

Compared with my other networks that I have joined, CJ is the best one. I will tell you why in this CJ review post.

Being online and trying to make money online for the first time with a wordpress blog, doubt feeling whenever I joined an affiliate network is always there.

Especially when you have never had any experiences with them. Of course, before joined them, I did some forums researches and Googled around.

But who knows that with all reviews, they can be faked and bought. I can’t be fooled that easily.

As mentioned above, in the beginning of this CJ review, actually, I joined Commission Junction a few months ago, with doubt feeling, therefore I typed fake names and adrress. lol
Article Source = http://www.blog.web6.org/cj-review-comission-junction-affiliate-experience/


CJ Review – Commission Junction has huge range of products to offer

Basically, I already wanted to write a CJ review post a while ago, but I delayed it, because I really did not have any experiences with Commission Junction yet, both from the payment and any other experiences.

So far, I am only promoting a few offer from CJ that are related to wordpress. They don’t have much products that related to wordpress, like shareasale (see my ShareAsales review or clickbank (see my Clickbank review), but if you have another niches than mine, you might want to try.

The registration process is very fast, and as long as I remember, they are not too picky to accept affiliate. As I can remember, I just applied myself and then accepted.

What I have heard though, they don’t accept some specific countries, though I am also not sure about it myself.

Commission Junction will pay you based on the products you can sell or only leads. Some new merchants have high pay rate of the leads. But unfortunately they are all not related to my blog’s niche.

Some good niches like games, electronics are really good for Commission Junction’s products promotions.

CJ Review — Payment

From the payment wise, CJ is like adsense, they really send money very fast. I have direct deposit as my payment options, and after the Commission are locked, they will send the money very quick.

We will receive a pdf document via email contains our Commission and that stuff, and then a letter via post to our houses.

As I mentioned above, I gave a fake address and name somehow at the beginning when I registered myself. Because of this, a friendly staff from Commission Junction sent me an email to correct my personal datas, so that they are able to send invoices.

I was really surprised because the staff was so very friendly, and they really care about their affiliates. Professional affiliate network, and very quick payment. Even faster than shareasale and clickbank to me.

I am very happy to be CJ affiliate and I recommend it to everyone who wants to earn money with affiliate network. This ends my CJ review, share yours!

Article Source = http://www.blog.web6.org/cj-review-comission-junction-affiliate-experience/