Why use articles or blog posts?


Why use articles or blog posts?


One of the primary reasons for writing or repurposing articles is the free publicity it provides.  When reading a newspaper, most people believe the articles more than advertisements because they provide information. It works the same way with articles vs. online advertisements.  In general, articles are a very effective way to drive readers to your affiliate site.

You can re-use an article multiple times using the tips below. This allows you to submit to article directories as well as posting on your own website or blog.  Who knows…your article could appear all over the web if other webmasters select it from a directory!  This provides compound exposure for you – and your affiliate link – at no charge!

Lastly, articles and blog posts position you as an expert. No, you don’t need to be an expert on email marketing and the inner-workings of GetResponse. But you will be an expert in how you use email marketing, what you have learned, and how you have implemented it in your own business.  This can be profitable for you and priceless for the hordes of surfers seeking information on the web!

Repurposing articles

If you plan to use the GetResponse article in the Tools section, or write your own articles to submit in multiple locations, you will want to know how to repurpose them.

Repurposing simply means that you create a variation of the original article for another use. Don’t simply copy and paste everywhere. If you have done that, it is likely that the web surfer may have already read the article elsewhere and, therefore, won’t read yours. There has also been lots of talk about a duplicate content penalty by Google. Why take the chance when it’s so easy to repurpose your articles.

Here are some ideas you can use to easily find a new approach or audience for your article and get extra mileage out of each and every post!

  • Slant to a local / regional / state / or national area.
  • Switch styles.  Turn your article into a story emphasizing a particular point
  • Write a Top 10 article. Then take 1-2 of those tips and expand it into a new article.
  • Write to a different market. Who else would like this information?  For example, an article about how dentists can use email marketing can also be used for doctors with just a few changes.
  • If your article is geared to someone with advanced skills, rewrite for a beginner. Or vice versa.

Posting articles on other blogs and websites

The first place to post any article is on your own website or blog, as shown above. If you don’t have one, you can set up a free blog at http://www.blogger.com or http://www.wordpress.com

Some additional ideas for free hosting if you don’t have your own site is to set up a Squidoo lens ( http://squidoo.com ) or Hub Pages (http:///hubpages.com ) . It’s easy to set up, it’s free, and a great place to post!

Submit to article directories

Another idea is to place articles in article directories.  The top four benefits of posting here include:

  • You are viewed as an expert
  • People can find your articles in the search engines
  • Each article includes your resource box to promote your affiliate link (see How To Report – Signature Ads for detail
  • Other webmasters can add your article to their websites and blogs (including your resource box)

Below is a list of ten article directories. Submitting articles to them is self-explanatory. Just look for the appropriate tab, generally called ‘Submit Articles’, at each site. Some directories approve your articles immediately, while others take up to a day to ‘go live’. Be sure to read the rules and regulations for each directory before submitting.

Click on Any of the Links Below:












Post your article on forums

One of the ideas given for repurposing an article was to write specifically for a particular target market. The same thing applies when posting an article at the forums you frequent.

As mentioned in the other How To Reports, be sure you have been participating in the forums, contributing information, asking good questions, and generally interacting with other members.  Don’t post your article as your first contribution to the forum, as it may be seen as ‘drive by’ spam.

Simply post your article or preface it by saying, ‘I just posted the following article on my blog and thought you would enjoy reading it.’

That’s it! See how easy it is to get extra mileage from the GetResponse blog post or to write your own articles? You’ll be driving traffic – and profits − to your affiliate site in no time!