Apple IPhone 5 Praised on Speed, Faulted on Maps by Reviewers

Looks Like Another “Gotcha” for Apple.
Seems Not All Reviews Are Stellar…

Apple Inc. (AAPL)’s iPhone 5 drew accolades from technology-gadget critics, who praised the smartphone’s lightweight body design, bigger screen and swifter data-download speeds even as some faulted its mapping tools.

The iPhone 5, which is scheduled to reach stores Sept. 21, is the best smartphone on the market, map-software flaws aside, according to Walt Mossberg of the Wall Street Journal. Ed Baig of USA Today said the device keeps Apple ahead of rivals such as Samsung Electronics Co. (005930), and Rich Jaroslovsky of Bloomberg called it the “handsomest phone you can buy.”

Read More: Apple IPhone 5 Praised on Speed

by Adam Satariano, Bloomberg News