Amazon Affiliate Program Reviews



Amazon Affiliate Program Review

Author: TJ Spears

So are you thinking about becoming an affiliate with Amazon, though you would like an honest Amazon affiliate program review? There are definitely a lot of benefits in signing up to their affiliate program. This article will address some of the main ones as well as talk about the negative points about the affiliate program.

The Pros – Amazon Affiliate Program Review

*Brand recognition and trust – Pretty much anyone that uses the internet would have heard about Amazon at one time or another. It’s because of the established brand that Amazon has, that makes your visitors more inclined to click on your affiliate links as opposed to doing a lot of pre-selling to get them to click on a $27 Clickbank eBook that talks about how to train their German Sheppard.

*Multiple Purchases – When you send a referral to Amazon, not only are you able to get a commission for your specific referral, you also stand the chance to earn commissions on other products that your visitor may choose. For example, you refer your visitor to a specific DSLR Camera, though once they purchase the item, they then decide to shop for a specific type of makeup. Well, here’s the kicker, you will ALSO get a commission for the purchase of the makeup kit, and all you had to do was sit back and watch the passive income roll in.

* Extremely Customizable – Another great advantage of the Amazon Associates program is the ability to fully customize how you would like your links to appear, or what you would like them to appear with. This can include specific product links, banners or even pages (any page on Amazon can be linked and attributed to you).

The Cons – Amazon Affiliate Program Review

*Low commission structure – compared to other affiliate programs the Amazon associates program has a low commission structure and can be a bit complicating to understand at first.

*Short cookie lifespan – Amazon cookie tracking only lasts 24 hours. This means if your visitor clicks on your link but doesn’t purchase an item from the Amazon store within the 24 hours you effectively lose all rights to your referral. Other providers can provide much longer cookie periods ranging anywhere from 30 days to 90.

Ultimately it will come down to how you would like to monetize your website or blog, and whether this will be the affiliate network for you. It comes down to the testing and amount of action you to take. This Amazon Affiliate program review is here to help you make an informed decision.

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What to Know about Amazon Affiliate Program Reviews

Author: Pieter West

There are numerous blogs, articles and websites containing Amazon affiliate program reviews. If you are seriously considering putting up an online store or becoming a professional blogger, it will be helpful for you to read numerous articles containing Amazon affiliate program reviews.

You might ask why you should read reviews when websites already contain enough information regarding their affiliate programs. Reading an Amazon affiliate program review will help you weigh the comments and feedback of other people who have been an Amazon affiliate. You can learn from their experiences and it may help you become successful. Useful information is usually provided by the reviewers to add to your knowledge in learning the basics of being an affiliate marketer.

A positive Amazon affiliate program review will always tell you that it is best to become an Amazon affiliate marketer. Positive reviews are there to show you all the advantages. They will convince you to join them so that you can also have the same success they had. The reviewer might also mention regrets you may have if you don’t join them. Reading positive reviews will take you on cloud nine. That’s perfectly fine. You will always want to have a positive outlook when starting a new venture.

But you should also read those reviews that contain negative comments or experiences so that you will know what to ask the company before you join the affiliate program. Negative reviews are there to show you all the disadvantages. They will tell you that you will only regret it if you don’t join the company. You should not be discouraged by these negative reviews. You should not think of not being an affiliate just because you read something that gave you negative thoughts and feelings about the company you are about to join.

Negative reviews serve as warning signals of possible pitfalls you might see or experience during your venture with the company. Learning from them will help you avoid falling in one of those pitfalls and save you from making the same mistakes others have made. They serve as lamp posts on the path to your success as an affiliate marketer. You are reading both positive and negative reviews in order for you to learn more about the company and gain enough knowledge before you become their partner in business.

You would not want to just jump in the bandwagon without knowing where the bandwagon is going. Carefully study what others have gone through. Write down any questions you have and clarify them with the company. You should be able to get clear answers if you know what to ask them. Reading reviews is a critical step if you want to become a successful affiliate of any company you wish to do business with.

When reading an Amazon affiliate program review, don’t become emotional. Be a learner. Be an observer. Learning from the reviews will always aid you with critical knowledge on how to handle situations that are more or less similar to those you have read about on the reviews.


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